The Uyghur’s are an ethnic minority community living in china’s autonomous North-Western Xinjiang Province. Being Muslim, Uyghur’s are closer ethnically and culturally to other central Asian countries like, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan rather than China. Uyghur’s lived in Xinjiang region for around 1000 years before it was annexed by China in the Mid-18th Century. In 1933, the region declared independence but was annexed once again by China. Today the Uyghur’s population in Xinjiang is roughly 11 Million or about 60% of the region but it is believed that more than 1 Million Uyghur’s are being held in Detention Camps without trials. The government of China claims that these are Vocational Camps teaching useful career Skills. The government of China calls these camps as “Re-Education Camps” or “Schooling Camps”. But is it true? The reality is that a former camp detainer has described them as De Facto Prisons implementing Mass Brain Washing and ordinance to the Communist Party. More evidences shows that they torture to the Uyghur’s in the camps, forced Sterilization of Women’s and methods of Population Reduction.
The Chinese Government is trying to wipe the Muslim population in China. Muslims are being made forced to abandon Islam by using Unethical methods.

They are not allowed to practice Islam. Children’s are being separated from their families to be raised to not believe in Islam or have any knowledge of it. Women’s are having their heads shaven in acts of Humiliation and aren’t allowed to wear Hijabs. The worst bit is torturing methods they use to get them to stop practicing Islam. They are electrocuting them with High-Voltage. Between 2013 and 2018 the population growth of Uyghur Muslims in the two largest districts dropped by 80%. In Concentration Camps Minorities like Uyghur’s and Kazakhs are being tortured / Raped by the Chinese. Women’s are forced to marry Chinese man as part of government program. They undergo Electrocution, Beatings, Injections of Unknown Substances, Military Style Discipline, Forced Confessions Abuse, Thought Transformation, and Murder. They are forced to drink alcohol and Eat Pork in China’s Re-Education Camps. China denies Observers / Journalists from entering the region. They are being stripped of their tradition, Culture, whole belief Systems, and language and forced to convert into Han Chinese. This is a Cultural Genocide. During the time of Nazi Germany 6 Million Jews, 200,000 Gypsies, 1 Million Polish Civilians, 70,000 Germans who were considered mentally, and physically disabled, besides innumerable Political opponents were killed. China conducts 60,000-100,000 transplant surgeries per year and for this most of the organs are comes from Minority groups like Uyghur’s.
For what the world is waiting now?
Should the condition in Xinjiang be termed Genocide?
Are we waiting for another Mass Genocidal War?
Stop Camps, Save Uyghur’s.
Here, is the video of Young Activists speaking about Human Rights Violation in China with Uyghur Muslims.
The Activists includes: Maanvinder Pilania (Me), Oindrila Bhattacharya, Deepshri, Mohab Sherif, Adin Wigisser Sod, Sampath Dangeti, and Sango Raphael. These are telling about how China is using Unethical Methods to wipe out Muslim Population in China.
Source: Media Reports